What will Taiba Do?

This is an effort to continue our city’s progress in a way that works for all residents. The redevelopment we have seen in Easton has been wonderful for our city. Now, we must work to make sure that these benefits are shared in all neighborhoods. Change is not always easy, but the time has come for all of our city to be represented in our city council. By uniting in our common values, we can make a lasting and progressive impact.


  • Preventing families from being displaced and assisting small businesses that are hurt because of the economic effects of the pandemic is my first priority of spending the COVID Relief Funds. 

  • I will fight for the better quality of life  seen in many modern, functioning cities, which will create safe streets,  a carbon neutral city, better with safer traffic flow; and a walking-distance grocery center.

  • I will work to keep taxes reasonable and bring more housing options, while also working to strengthen our inclusionary zone. She will work with the developers to make the wonderful redevelopment they are bringing to our City available to ALL income levels that reside here.  

  • I will recognize vacant and blighted properties that have been sitting there for decades, to convert them into accessible housing and place them back on the tax rolls. I will work with the developers to bring units to our city that can be purchased to revive the dream of home ownership.  

  • I will bring community engagement opportunities to discuss issues of importance to neighborhoods and our city, in communities and locations where people live and work, not just in City Hall. 

Let us raise our voices together to be the progress and solutions for our city, our community, our Easton!


Better quality of life


We must follow similar “quality of life” initiatives seen in many modern, functioning cities, which will create safe streets, repaved streets; flood mitigation; a carbon neutral city; a bike and pedestrian friendly city, better with safer traffic flow; and a walking-distance grocery center.

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Affordable Housing


Whether you own or rent, you are feeling the squeeze. We need leaders who can be strong advocates for increasing affordable housing. This is one important way to preserve the racial and socioeconomic diversity that makes Easton such a unique place to live.

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All people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Our city has historic roots based in freedom and liberty and today should remain a champion for equality and freedom for all.

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Public Engagement


Whether you’ve lived in Easton for three months or three generations, we all want the same thing: the ability to live and work in a community we love without getting displaced. We can welcome change while still ensuring the city is looking out for current residents…

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Economic Fairness


I grew up knowing what it feels like to be poor; to struggle economically. This is why I understand the importance of passing a living wage and fighting for economic fairness. Ensuring a living wage of $15 is not just a goal, it is the difference between my neighbors having enough food on the table…

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Unsheltered Population

The unsheltered population of Easton have been neglected for years. When quality of life is lacking, the unsheltered population is a city’s most visible sign of a problem. In March of 2016, our local government “solved” this issue…

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When residents lose access to their elected officials, the system has failed them. We need to renew an understanding in City Hall: our governments work for the people, not the other way around…

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Community Policing


On a national scale, to a local level - we are in a crisis when faced with police and law enforcement interactions with people of color. More than ever, we must address community violence - and invest in our young people to prevent crime rather than relying on a police-only strategy…

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