
Our Unsheltered Population

The unsheltered population of Easton have been neglected for years. When quality of life is lacking, the unsheltered population is a city’s most visible sign of a problem.

In March of 2016, our local government attempted to solve this issue by pushing the unsheltered out of our city under the pretense of promoting a “safe and clean city.”

Our city’s top 20 income earners were local employees who each made $100,000 last year – that’s our taxpayer money. We must use local resources to address issues that affect all of us. The income inequality and lifestyle inequality in our city requires a solution.

Housing is a Human Right

  • We need to ease the process of establishing shelters at existing churches and nonprofit centers

  • We need shelters for unsheltered women, who are often victims of domestic violence and have suffered sexual assault

  • We need a Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP); funds to be invested in programs including rental assistance and subsidies, outreach, and youth services

  • We have an affordable housing and shelter crisis that continues to ravage the city and we must improve the availability of housing/shelters for our most vulnerable families

  • The redevelopment of our city has brought countless rental units. Those rents continue to escalate either trapping residents in an endless cycle of rent, inability to save to purchase or inability to keep up with the rising rents leading to eviction. We must work with the developers to bring units to our city that can be purchased. We can revive the dream of home ownership. Home ownership is an economic driver for any city and brings stability to families and neighborhoods - it builds communities.