
Truly Affordable Housing

Whether you own or rent, you are feeling the squeeze. We need leaders who can be strong advocates for increasing affordable housing. This is one important way to preserve the racial and socioeconomic diversity that makes Easton such a unique place to live. Tackling the housing issue in Easton is essential to ensuring that Easton remains a place where long-time families and newcomers can both find affordable options.

We need to increase the number of affordable housing units in new development projects.

  • We need to Negotiate with landlords and work for greater tenant protections to prevent no-fault evictions

  • Establish an Office of Housing Stability to help individuals find and maintain stable affordable housing

  • We need to help support small businesses and enhance community developments by advocating for affordable commercial space, help foster stronger neighborhoods and empower community members to take collective actions to generate solutions to common problems

  • We need to work to keep taxes reasonable and bringing more housing options, while also working to strengthen our inclusionary zone and seek increased funding for affordable housing and homeless shelters in the city.

  •  We must work with the developers to make the wonderful redevelopment they are bringing to our City available to ALL income levels that reside here.  Also, we must include those who wish *not* to rent, but to OWN a home.  What ever happened to the dream and economic driver and backbone of any economy that IS home ownership.